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No computer? No problem! You can use, which is an online IDE that you use in a web browser like Google Chrome. This setup is limited to editing code only, and is only intended to enable development from a Chromebook, tablet, etc.

  1. Create a free GitHub account
  2. Go to and sign up with your GitHub account
  3. To edit an existing GitHub project, click New Repl, Import from GitHub, and choose the repository you want to edit

If you are creating a new project for, create the following .replit file in the root of the repository to configure the environment:

language = "java11"
onBoot = "cd ~/ && wget | bash -c 'cd ~/ && tar xzf - '"
run = ["./gradlew", "build"]
entrypoint = ""

This tells the container to fetch and unpack the build tools from GitHub, and configures the run button in to launch the gradel build process. Now when you click run, it should be able to compile the code!

Head over to the next section Learn Java to start learning how to use these tools.

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