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Configure The Encoder

We will start by creating a default subsystem called Lift, and adding our hardware to it:

  // Talon controller for Lift motor
  private final WPI_TalonSRX liftController;

Next in the constructor, we need to configure the Talon on the CAN bus and tell it to use the onboard PID controller and Mag Encoder

    // Make sure to clear any existing settings after initializing
    liftController = new WPI_TalonSRX(23);

    // Tell the Talon to use the onboard Mag Encoder

    // Set the sensor and Talon inversion separately

Finally we need to configure the PID controller. You can read more on how these work in the WPILib Docs, as the process is the same. Make sure to replace <kPIDF> with your own PID values, or start at 0.0 if you don’t know yet.

    liftController.config_kP(0, <kP>);
    liftController.config_kI(0, <kI>);
    liftController.config_kD(0, <kD>);
    liftController.config_kF(0, <kF>);

With the controller configured, we can make a simple method in Lift for sending the Lift to a position.

  /** Set the Lift to a position in TalonSRX sensor ticks */
  public void set(double position) {
    liftController.set(ControlMode.Position, position);

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